Offensive Threat Models Against the Supply Chain

At VerSprite, we approach security from a holistic risk management perspective, understanding security from business and attacker perspectives. Our approach goes beyond assessing security controls, and examines credible threats to understand the likelihood of a real-world abuse case, and measuring the magnitude of business impact if a breach should occur. By developing a holistic business/IT risk view, security decisions become business decisions.


Geopolitical Risk Consulting

We analyze threats and reduce your risk related to global shifts and uncover opportunities for your organization in the global economy.

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Security Research & Development

Our clients rely on our unique zero-day vulnerability research and exploit development to protect their assets from various threat actors.

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Threat & Vulnerability Management

We address challenges across vulnerability management, threat analysis, technical remediation, and system auditing/ hardening.


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Digital Forensics & Incident Response

VerSprite implements a practical strategy for incident response preparation, compromise assessments, intrusion hunting, and remediation.

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