Government Security Solutions

Cyber Security Solutions for Government

Ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of Data Systems

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Continuous Monitoring

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As a security function, continuous monitoring has strong government roots and is deeply referenced across various standards, including NIST 800-53 and NIST 800-137. VerSprite’s DevSecOps team provides federal agencies and underlying operating divisions with custom audit solutions to resolve the following challenges in Federal IT infrastructure.

  • Rogue asset detection for both physical and virtual environments
  • Cloud audits for both private and public Cloud environments
  • Configuration baseline security audits and monitoring for changes
  • Monitoring and reporting security configuration changes

FISMA Compliance

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Companies required to comply with the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) often struggle with understanding how to apply Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTAs) and Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) to a roadmap of security control development efforts. VerSprite builds and manages Project Objectives and Milestones (POAMs) for clients and helps them achieve timely completion of FISMA compliance efforts, which is often a challenge for most to finish on a timely basis. With over 15 years of experience in building and applying NIST 800 series controls and FIPS 140 standards to IT controls, let us combine our expertise with your expertise in understanding/ managing your IT infrastructure to achieve an authority-to-operate (ATO) for your business.


FedRamp Compliance

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If you are an existing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS player, you already know the vast opportunities in serving Federal agencies with cloud related services. FedRamp is a tollgate to directly and even indirectly serve the Federal market. VerSprite has led compliance efforts for many mid to large CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) who need security experts to translate control requirements into control implementations and manage the risk analysis and overall project to achieve and maintain FedRamp compliance. As part of our FedRamp services, VerSprite performs the following:

  • Initial control gap analysis to all FedRamp controls based upon impact categorization level.
  • Development and management of Project Objectives and Milestones (POAM)
  • Risk analysis for compensating controls and acceptable risk areas
  • Administrative and technical control development
  • System Security Plan (SSP) development
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VerSprite Resources

A Geopolitical Perspective on Supply Chain Risks and Opportunities

A Geopolitical Perspective on Supply Chain Risks and Opportunities

What are the geopolitical risks of physical and digital supply chain attacks to your organization? Join VerSprite and CLASS-LLC in a webinar on the top risks and mitigation strategies to use in 2020.

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VerSprite Cyberwatch: Latest Security News and Advisories

VerSprite Cyberwatch: Latest Security News and Advisories

Cuba ransomware actors have remained active throughout 2022. The ransomware group has been involved in a number of high-profile attacks, including ones that targeted government institutions.

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Data Management: Best Practices for Security & Privacy

Data Management: Best Practices for Security & Privacy

This presentation revisits both traditional governance best practices that are still invaluable to proper data management and governance efforts, as well as practical technological controls that can support the management of data.

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Effective Cybersecurity Planning Starts and Ends in the Boardroom

Effective Cybersecurity Planning Starts and Ends in the Boardroom

The trend of organizations pushing cybersecurity aside stems from a lack of cyber confidence in the boardroom, overuse of security tools, and lack of communication from the CISOs and IT managers. VerSprite’s expert panelist discusses and debates the issues.

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Geopolitical Cyber Threats and Business Operations

Geopolitical Cyber Threats and Business Operations

Cybersecurity and geopolitics are inextricably linked. To holistically tackle threats to our information security, we must take a step back and examine their causal roots and drivers, which take place day after day on the international stage.

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