VerSprite Cybersecurity Consulting Services


Providing customized security and compliance services delivered by industry leaders.

Explore Our Services

We serve our clients via niche security engagements.


Offensive Security

VerSprite focuses on emulating test scenarios that reflect attack patterns and threat motives. We leverage our PASTA threat modeling framework to deliver realistic attack simulations and test the resiliency of your business from all angles.

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Governance, Risk, and Compliance

Beyond risk identification, VerSprite builds security programs and solutions for effective risk mitigation or remediation tailored to each organization.

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

VerSprite investigates potential risks, uncovers cyber threats, and tracks suspicious behavior using automated processes, threat analytics, and open-sourced intelligence gathering techniques.

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Whether your delivery environment is self-hosted, in the Cloud, uses containers, operates server-less or uses any other common methodology, we can provide automation tools and expertise to help you deliver efficiently and securely.

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VS Labs Security Research

Are unknown cybersecurity threats lurking in your product, technologies, and enterprise networks? VerSprite’s security researchers help organizations solve their most complex technical challenges and protect their assets from various threat actors.

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Cooking with PASTA: The Secret Ingredient Behind Our Services

PASTA Threat Modeling:
7 Stages for Simulating Cyber Attacks

Our risk-based threat modeling methodology consists of 7 stages for simulating cyber attacks and analyzing threats to the organization and application. This allows our pentesters, redteamers, and cybersecurity analysts to help your organization identify critical vulnerabilities and minimize real-world risks associated business impact.

  1. Define Business Context of Application

    This considers the inherent application risk profile and address other business impact considerations early in the SDLC or for given Sprint under Scrum activities.

  2. Technology Enumeration

    You can’t protect what you don’t know is the philosophy behind this stage. It’s intended to decompose the technology stack that supports the application components that realize the business objectives identified from Stage 1.

  3. Application Decomposition

    Focuses on understanding the data flows amongst application components and services in the application threat model.

  4. Threat Analysis

    Reviews threat assertions from data within the environment as well as industry threat intelligence that is relevant to service, data, and deployment model.

  5. Weakness / Vulnerability Identification

    Identifies the vulnerabilities and weaknesses within the application design and code and correlates to see if it supports the threat assertions from the prior stage.

  6. Attack Simulation

    This stage focuses on emulating attacks that could exploit identified weaknesses/vulnerabilities from the prior stage. It helps to also determine the threat viability via attack patterns.

  7. Residual Risk Analysis

    This stage centers around remediating vulnerabilities or weaknesses in code or design that can facilitate threats and underlying attack patterns. It may warrant some risk acceptance by broader application owners or development managers.

what we do

Security consulting services trusted by clients from all industries

VerSprite’s cybersecurity experts are passionate about helping our clients accomplish both their security and business objectives. We developed a risk-based PASTA threat modeling methodology aimed at applying security countermeasures that are commensurate to the possible impact that could be sustained from defined threat models, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and attack patterns.

VerSprite Cybersecurity Consulting Services compass
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Why VerSprite

VerSprite has 16 years of experience as a leader in risk-driven cybersecurity consulting, integrated security automation, and PASTA threat modeling. VerSprite helps companies create evolved security solutions that thread security into their company DNA. VerSprite’s offensive approach goes beyond assessing security controls to examine credible threats to understand and measure the magnitude of the business impact.


ISO Audit
PCI Security Standards Council
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Discover How Others Have Improved Their Security

View more case studies
A Geopolitical Perspective on Supply Chain Risks and Opportunities

A Geopolitical Perspective on Supply Chain Risks and Opportunities

What are the geopolitical risks of physical and digital supply chain attacks to your organization? Join VerSprite and CLASS-LLC in a webinar on the top risks and mitigation strategies to use in 2020.

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Abusing Insecure Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Endpoints

Abusing Insecure Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Endpoints

A trend that the VerSprite Research team noticed in .NET services is the exposure of dangerous methods through insecure WCF endpoints. Download this presentation for a high-level overview of the WCF terminals and receive a practical analysis.

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Apparel Manufacturing Client Assessing M&A Target

Apparel Manufacturing Client Assessing M&A Target

A geopolitical risk assessment was conducted on a potential foreign M&A target for an apparel manufacturing client looking to establish a presence in Thailand.

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Addressing Cybercrime via PASTA Threat Modeling

Addressing Cybercrime via PASTA Threat Modeling

VerSprite’s CEO, Tony UcedaVélez addresses combatting cybercrime via a risk centric approach with PASTA Threat Modeling methodology. This risk based approach led to the mantra behind VerSprite Security as well as the Process for Attack Simulation for Threat Analysis, a co-developed risk based threat modeling methodology that Tony co-authored along with accompanying book (Risk Centric Threat Modeling, Wiley 2015). 

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Application Security in the Time of Remote Working

Application Security in the Time of Remote Working

Watch the video to gain insight into the stages of the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), discover why security testing in the SDLC is important, and learn the key steps to effectively build secure software. This cybersecurity discussion is relevant to all types of businesses, including those with and without a full in-house software development division.

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ci cd security, devsecops ci/cd

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