Security Awareness Training

Security Awareness Training

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Overview & Key Differentiators

Corporate security awareness training

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Corporate security awareness training frequently makes the trainee responsible for understanding the relationship between security principles and job function to corporate policy. Over the years, many organizations have invested in computer-based training (CBT), Learning Management Systems (LMS), or even trainer-led, classroom-style security seminars. Most of these solutions are generic, high-level, and ineffective in truly relating to an employee’s day-to-day work efforts for their role. There has been little integration between content and organizational goals.

This is a common problem, but VerSprite has a solution -an integrated approach.  We incorporate security governance into security training so trainees can understand corporate policies’ purpose, learn about real-world examples, and comprehend the benefits of adhering to guidelines and standards.

Targeted Security Awareness Training

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 VerSprite brought Targeted security awareness training to the security industry nearly a decade ago. After seeing uniform group training for diverse company officials across IT, development, compliance, operational, sales, and executives, VerSprite began offering targeted training options tailored by role or function. Some simple examples are below:

  • HR employees must understand how to better enforce corporate security policies across their organization without infringing on goals for organizational behavior and workplace culture. They also need to be able to communicate how HR incidents and changes in corporate unity can lead to tell-tale signs of insider threats.
  • Sales and Marketing teams must understand that social engineering artists commonly target them to gain domain credentials. Teaching these groups common ploys that present seemingly believable business cases is an important safeguard.
  • Developers/Engineers are building new and exciting products for the company. Considering infrastructure, network, application, and system security fundamentals can go a long way, mainly if your dev teams and engineers work with unique frameworks and languages.

Inquire today on how VerSprite can make a targeted and custom training program with the right cadence and duration.

Secure Development Training

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Knowing how to write secure code hinges on several factors: understanding security classes within a development framework and defending against technical exploit patterns. VerSprite provides a variety of secure development techniques to help developers improve the security posture of their software. Our formats range from security training exercises with hands-on labs and hackathons to language-specific training courses each developer can take independently.

When coupled with VerSprite’s OffSec services, we can track improvements in systemic flaws and insecure development practices that were being repeated on a suite of tested applications. This approach ensures the best return on investment (ROI)  for secure development training in the developed software.


Security Testing Training

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As an added option VerSprite can integrate its security testing into your development teams’ software development lifecycle process. Point-in-time security testing models may be too slow for many mobile product development groups, and as a result, we have successfully integrated a security testing practice that is highly integrated into our clients’ workflows. Inquire with us today on how you can integrate security within your mobile application products.