data privacy

Products and services in Cloud, Data Analytics, and IoT continue to proliferate a rapid use (and often abuse) of PII beyond traditional data environments. As a result, clients would benefit from data privacy services. This is due to the greater need to mitigate the risks of privacy violations that can lead to legal risks, loss of consumer trust, and overall reputational damage. Our focus is helping clients via the following engagement models that VerSprite has designed to resolve today’s data privacy challenges:

Data Discovery/Data Flow Diagramming
Data Governance & Management
Legal & Regulatory Compliance Readiness
Data Discovery and Remediation

VerSprite’s data privacy services are based upon the company’s review of multiple data privacy laws, global privacy regulations, and privacy frameworks. We collaborate with partners in the Legal profession as well to offer a comprehensive response to privacy challenges today. Below is a synopsis of the aforementioned service engagements offered by VerSprite’s GRC service

Data Privacy with Data Discovery/Data Flow Diagramming

A key challenge for many organizations is to know where their data liabilities lie. This is particularly challenging as many clients’ IT infrastructure evolves from OnPrem models to Cloud infrastructures. VerSprite’s data discovery services focus on achieving the following:

  • Conduct data flow diagramming efforts to map how customer-managed PII flows in/out of IT environments.
  • Identify data sources (e.g. – databases, flat file systems, cache servers, and other repositories) and map out ingress/ egress data flows, specific to PII data.
  • Leverage eDiscovery techniques, tools, and scripts to help traverse information systems and identify data types and extent of PII across OnPrem, Hosted, and Cloud-related systems.


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Knowing where sensitive PII data is located is pivotal to properly addressing data privacy regulations worldwide. In doing so, clients will be able to apply the right amount of end deliverables that are commonly used by privacy offers, information managers, and IT managers who want to know how discovered PII should be better managed. End deliverables include the following:

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Data Governance & Management for Data Privacy

VerSprite performs a gap assessment against privacy and security control frameworks that tie to control references and mandates from various state, national, and global privacy laws. Our process builds off the knowledge of data flows of PII and correlates the data flows pertaining to those environments with regulatory requirements around safeguarding PII. As part of this service, VerSprite examines the following key privacy and data protection areas:

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Data Privacy Services from VerSprite

Protect one of your most precious investments, your business, with professional data privacy services.

Contact VerSprite today to get started.

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Let us build a tailored engagement for you