This cybersecurity case study reveals an exclusive look at how one FinTech security leader uses red teaming to evolve their organization's security program.
Fintech Cybersecurity Case Study CreditShop
26% of Financial Institutions Admitted They Suffered a Destructive Cyberattack *
Financial Technology Chief Security Officers and Chief Information Security Officers hold a critical responsibility. They must safeguard their organization from adversaries who will stop at nothing to gain access to its assets. CSOs/CISOs recognize that being 100% Payment Card Industry (PCI) and regulation-compliant is not a guarantee of security, particularly when protecting personal and financial data that holds a high target value on the web.
Testing its security posture by engaging a red team helps financial services company CreditShop LLC (“CreditShop”) remain at the top of its security game and has become a staple in vigilantly protecting its good name. CreditShop’s CISO shares insights into what prompted the company to hire a red team, its selection process, what is at stake for the company, how to avoid sabotaging the event, and how its most recent engagement delivered on its goals. He also shares how he vets a red team for a FinTech endeavor. The white paper concludes with an inside look at VerSprite, the security firm CreditShop chose to conduct its red team engagement.
The company’s rigorous approach and methodology to red teaming helped it win CreditShop’s business and trust. In this white paper, Arjun Thusu, CISO at CreditShop LLC, shares the challenges the FinTech sector encounters in the face of evolving security, details how to select a security partner, and relates where the value lies in engaging a red team. Thusu will also introduce VerSprite, the security firm CreditShop partners with to carry out red team missions.
Download VerSprite’s cybersecurity case study detailing how Fintech leader, CreditShop uses red teaming to go beyond the financial industry’s security regulations. →
*Statistic from Carbon Black

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