Georgia Tech Data Breach: VerSprite Interviewed on Threat Motives

VerSprite Responds to Massive Data Breach

The recent Georgia Institute of Technology data breach exposed 1.3 million personal records. Tony UcedaVélez, VerSprite CEO, was interviewed by WSBTV about why such an elite university makes such an attractive target for hackers:

“Their relationships with different technology companies worldwide, as well as with the federal government makes them much more unique. The cyber attacker’s main goal is getting as much data as possible and conducting their own data analytics to see where they want to focus in on targeted attacks.” – Tony UcedaVélez

Learn more about cyber threat motives and threat modeling in our guide, Threat Modeling: Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis.

PASTA Threat Modeling eBook - Risk-Based Threat Modeling

Risk Centric Threat Modeling:
Process for Attack Simulation & Threat Analysis

VerSprite leverages our PASTA (Process for Attack Simulation & Threat Analysis) methodology to apply a risk-based approach to threat modeling. This methodology integrates business impact, inherent application risk, trust boundaries amongst application components, correlated threats, and attack patterns that exploit identified weaknesses from the threat modeling exercises.
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