This eBook breaks down the top 7 factors to determine if you need a Third-Party Risk Management Software or VRA service partner.


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Third-Party Risk Management Software (VRA vs. TPRM) vs. Vendor Risk Assessment Services

Third-party breaches are among the most common data breaches, resulting in 63% of all enterprise breaches.

When choosing a vendor risk management solution for your organization, security leaders should consider the pros and cons of using Third-Party Risk Management software (TPRM) versus Vendor Risk Assessment services (VRA) to understand which is best for your organization. We will also provide high-level advice on VRA vs. TPRM based on your organization’s maturity (startups, enterprises, etc.).

In this eBook, VerSprite’s GRC team reviews seven critical elements to take into consideration when creating your vendor risk management program. The seven factors we review include coverage, speed, risk relevance, integration, cost, vendor risk management frameworks, and compliance.

Download our ebook and vendor risk management checklist →

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